2:36 AM

A carrier as a script writer can lead to a variety of rewarding carrier paths. If you are interested in writing for films, television or advertisements a professional course in the related field would add stars to your carrier .

Every Script writer have unique writing style like comedy, drama, Action, Horror. According to these style writer can frame a story, manage the character and write some dialogs of the script.
The Responsibility of script writer is that he should present new words to our audience in such a way the audience could connect naturally with his script

 Freelance Writer

Freelance writer can work from home. If you are interested in Freelance writing. you can visit these websites and register your name. So many websites hire the freelance writer. some websites Pay for the script but it depend on your writing style.

List of some websites for freelance writer:

  • www.freelancer.com
  • www.workhire.com 
  • www.indeed.co.in
  • www.guru.com
  • www.peopleperhour.com


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